
행복주택은 청년,신혼부부,대학생 등 젊은 층의 주거안정을 위해 시세보다 저렴한 공공임대주택을 공급합니다.

전용면적 60㎡ 이하 주택을 입주계층에 따라 인근 임대시세보다 60~80% 저렴한 임대료를 내며 최대 6년~20년까지 거주가능합니다.

이에 대해서 총정리 해보겠습니다.


1. 지원대상

행복주택 지원대상은 다양한 입주자 자격이 존재하여 해당되시는 구간이 어딘지 꼭 확인이 필요합니다. 

그리고 입주자 자격을 만족하는 자에게 1세대 1주택 또는 2인 1주택 기준으로 공급 가능합니다.

소득기준, 자산기준은 3.추가정보의 링크를 꼭 참고하시기 바랍니다.

1-1. 대학생

미혼인 무주택자로 대학에 재학중이거나 다음학기에 입,복학예정인 사람 또는 고등학교를 졸업, 중퇴 후 2년 이내인 사람

1-2. 청년

미혼인 무주택자로 19~39세에 속하거나 소득이 있는 업무 5년 이내인 사람 또는 퇴직 후 1년 이내의 자 중 구직급여 수급 자격이 있는자 또는 예술인 

1-3. (예비)신혼부부, 한부모 가족

(신혼부부) 무주택세대 구성원으로서 혼인기간 7년 또는 6세이하 자녀를 둔 사람

(예비 신혼부부) 혼인을 계획중이며, 혼인으로 구성될 세대의 구성원 모두 무주택자인 사람

(한부모가족) 6세이하(태아포함)의 자녀를 둔 무주택세대구성원

1-4. 주거급여 수급자

무주택 세대구성원으로서 주거급여수급 대상자

1-5. 고령자

무주택세대 구성원으로서 65세 이상인 사람

1-6. 산업단지근로자

무주택세대 구성원(단 미혼자의 경우 무주택자 요건 적용)으로서 인근(연접 시.군 포함) 산업단지의 입주기업 등에 재직 또는 1년 이상 근무(예정)인 사람

1-7. 창업인, 지역전략산업종사자, 중소기업전용주택 입주자

세부내용 아래 링크 참고


2. 지원내용

지원내용은 크게 임대료 지원과 거주기간으로 나눌 수 있습니다.

- 각 계층별 임대료 지원

대학생, 소득이 없는 청년 : 시세의 68%

소득이 있는 청년, 창업 및 지역전략사업 지원주택 입주자 : 시세의 72%

(예비)신혼부부, 한부모가족, 산업단지근로자, 중소기업전용주택 입주 장기근속자 : 시세의 80%

고령자 : 시세의 76%

주거급여수급자 : 시세의 60%

- 각 계층별 거주기간

대학생 및 청년,산업단지 근로자 : 6년

신혼부부, 한부모가족, 창업지원주택 및 지역전략산업지원주택의 입주자 또는 중소기업전용주택 입주 장기근속자 :

자녀가 없는 경우 6년, 자녀가 1명 이상인 경우 10년 

주거급여수급자, 고령자 : 20년



3. 추가정보

- 예비입주자가 없거나 재공급을 통한 신규 입주희망자가 없는 경우 2년씩 연장 가능합니다.

- 재청약으로 동일한 공급대상 입주자로 다시 선정되는 경우 총 거주기간 합산 기간은 위의 최대거주기간 적용이 됩니다.

(최대 6년이 가능하나 A단지에서 청년으로 4년 거주 후 B단지 청년 계층으로 이주 시 최대 2년만 가능)

- 최대거주기간이 10년미만인 계층으로 병역의무이행후 동일한 공급대상의 입주자로 다시 선정되는 경우, 총 거주기간 합산기간 10년까지 거주 가능합니다.

지원대상의 소득기준 및 자산기준 확인

복지서비스 상세(중앙) (bokjiro.go.kr)


4. 신청방법

해당 공공주택사업자 홈페이지 및 대표전화를 이용해서 신청이 가능합니다.

1. 한국토지주택공사(LH 한국토지주택공사)

2. 서울주택도시공사(SH 서울주택도시공사 (i-sh.co.kr))

3. 경기도시공사(https://www.gh.or.kr/gh/index.do)




청년월세지원 모집 공고 및 신청방법(2023년 서울시)

청년월세지원 모집 공고 및 신청방법 가르쳐 드리겠습니다. 지원대상자 한해서 월 20만원 이하 지원되며 최대 10개월/200만 원이라고 하니 미리 알아보시고 빠르게 신청하시기 바랍니다. 1. 청년




청년내일저축계좌는 근로빈곤층 청년의 생계수급자 등으로의 하락을 사전에 예방하고

일하는 중간계층이 사회에 안착할 수 있도록 자산 형성을 지원합니다.

본인 월 10만원 저축 시 정부매칭 금액 10만원( 수급자/차상위자는 30만원 )이니 총정리해보겠습니다.

1. 지원대상

지원대상은 아래와 같으니 꼭 4가지 항목 모두 충족하는지 확인하시고 지원하시기 바랍니다.

- (가입연령)

신청 당시 만 19세~만34세(신청 월의 전월에 만 19세가 된 자~신청 월에 만 35세가 되는 자)

단, 수급자/차상위자/기준 중위소득 50%이하자는 만 15세~만39세까지 허용(신청월의 전월에 만 15세가 된자~신청 월에 만 40세가 되는 자)

- (근로/사업소득) 현재 근로활동 중이며, 근로/사업소득이 월 50만원 초과~ 월 220만원 이하 

단, 기초생활수급자/차상위계층/기준 중위소득 50%이하 자는 현재 근로활동 중이며 근로,사업소득이 월 10만원 이상 발생

- (가구소득) 소득인정액 기준 중위소득 100% 이하

- (가구재산) 대도시 3.5억원, 중소도시 2억원, 농어촌 1.7억원 이하 


2. 서비스내용

대상자가 선정되면 매월 본인 저축납입자에 한하여 본인저축액 10만원 이상(매월 전월 23일~현월 22일 입금마감일 이전) 대비 정부지원금을 정액 매칭하게 됩니다. 

즉, 본인이 10만원을 내면 정부에서 10만원을 매칭해서 지원해줍니다.

3년만기 기준 본인 납입액 총 360만원, 정부매칭(10만원기준) 360만원, 이자 포함하여 최소 720만원이 되는겁니다.

 * 중위소득 50%초과~100%이하 : 10만원 정액 매칭

* 중위소득 50%이하 : 30만원 정액 매칭

* 3년간 통장유지, 근로활동 지속, 교육이수, 자금사용계획서 제출시 적립금 전액을 지급

* 정책대상별 추가지원금(근로소득공제금(생계급여 수급청년), 탈수급장려금, 내일키움장려금, 내일키움수익금 등) 지급이 가능합니다.



3. 신청방법

읍면동 주민센터 방문접수복지로(www.bokjiro.go.kr)를 통한 온라인 신청이 가능합니다.

* 주소지가 아니어더라도 모든 시군구내 모든 주민센터에서 접수가능한 점은 좋습니다.

하지만 주민센터 신청시 출생일에 따라 구분되니 확인하시고 방문하시기 바랍니다.

읍면동 주민센터 신청기간 : 23.5.1.(월)~23.5.26.(금)

복지로 온라인 신청기간 : 23.5.15(월)~23.5.26(금)

주민센터 방문시 출생일 기준 5부제를 2주간만 시행(5.1~5.12)

월요일(5월 1,8일) : 출생일 끝자리가 1,6

화요일(5월 2,9일) : 출생일 끝자리가 2,7

수요일(5월 3,10일) : 출생일 끝자리가 3,8

목요일(5월 4일) : 출생일 끝자리가 4,9 및 5,0

목요일(5월 11일) : 출생일 끝자리가 4,9

금요일(5월 12일) : 출생일 끝자리가 5,0

*청년내일저축계좌는 반드시 청년 본인이 신청 및 통장개설이 필요합니다.


4. 추가정보

관련하여 전화문의나 서식 자료가 필요하신 분들은 아래 링크로 접속하셔서 세부 내역을 확인하시어 꼭 정부매칭금을 지원받으시기 바랍니다.

복지서비스 상세(중앙) (bokjiro.go.kr)


2023년 부동산 매매시세가 점점 하락하고 있습니다. 

미국 연준에서는 금리를 올해까지 5%~5.25%까지 유지할거라고 전망하고 있습니다.

내년에는 금리가 점점 하락할 수 있는 전망도 나오는 가운데

특례보금자리론을 통해 집은 사는 것은 어떠실까요? 총정리 해보겠습니다.



소득제한 없이 9억이하 주택에 대해서 최대 5억원까지 저금리로 대출해주는 상품을 말합니다.


1. 신청대상

다음을 확인하시고 신청대상임을 확인하시기 바랍니다.

- 민법상 성년

- 대한민국 국민(재외국민, 외국국적동포 포함)

- 한국신용정보원 신용정보관리규약 해당사항 없고 CB점수 271점 이상


2. 대출요건

대출요건은 다음과 같습니다.

- 9억원이하 공부상 주택

- 본건 담보주택 제외 무주택 또는 1주택

- 소득제한 없음

- LTV 최대 70%- DTI 최대 60%

LTV : 아파트기준 최대 70% (기타주택은 65% 이내) 다만, 담보주택 소재지가 조정지역인 경우,(또는) CB점수 271~614점 또는 MSS점수가 「MSS운영기준」에서 별도로 정하는 경우,(또는) 소득추정방법을 사용하는 경우 담보주택의 유형별로 10%p씩 차감하여 적용

DTI : 최대 60%다만, 담보주택 소재지가“조정지역”인 경우 10%p 차감하여 적용 조정대상지역 중 과열지역, 투기지역 및 투기과열지구를 포함

3. 상품구조

- 대출한도 최대 5억원

- 대출만기 10,15,20,30,40,50년

(만기 40년,50년은 신혼가구거나 만34세 혹은 만 39세 이하 조건을 충족하셔야합니다. )

- 원리금 균등, 원금균등, 체증식 분할상환( 만 40세 미만 채무자 및 공사가 사전심사한 경우에만 허용하며, 대출만기 50년 적용 불가 )


4. 대출금리

특례보금자리를 해야하는 이유는 금리에 있습니다.

금리 : 4.15%~4.45% (범위 안내)


사회적 배려층 우대금리(한부모가구·장애인가구·다문화가구·다자녀가구 (각 항목별 0.4%p), 신혼 가구(0.2%p) 금리우대 가능하며, 최대 2가지 항목을 택하여 중복적용 가능) 미분양관리지역 내 미분양주택 입주자에 대한 우대금리(0.2%p)


투기지역 담보물 (0.1%p)


5. 특례보금자리론의 장점

가장 장점은 역시 중도상환수수료가 없다는게 가장 큰 장점일 것으로 보입니다.

조기(중도)상환수수료 없음


6. 신청방법

한국주택금융공사 홈페이지 ( 특례 보금자리론 | 보금자리론 | 주택담보대출 | 한국주택금융공사 (hf.go.kr) )





청년월세지원 모집 공고신청방법 가르쳐 드리겠습니다.

지원대상자 한해서 월 20만원 이하 지원되며 최대 10개월/200만 원이라고 하니 미리 알아보시고 빠르게 신청하시기 바랍니다.

1. 청년월세지원 모집 지원대상

신청일 기준 서울시 거주, 만 19세~29세 이하 청년 1인 가구를 대상으로 합니다. 

* 주민등록등본상 '만19세~39세 이하 청년인 형제자매 및 동거인'이 있는 경우에도 신청 가능

* 공유주택(쉐어하우스) 등에 거주하며 임대인(사업자 포함)과 개별 임대차 계약을 체결한 주민 등록등본상 동거인은 동시 지원 신청 가능

* 주민등록등본상 청년이 아닌 세대원이 있는 경우 사업 신청대상에서 제외

* 국토교통부 청년월세 한시 특별지원 선정자 및‘23년 은평형 청년월세 선정자는 지원 불가

2. 신청접수 및 선정

신청접수 관련해서 접수기간 및 인원, 방법은 아래와 같습니다.

신청방법 : 서울주거포털(https://housing.seoul.go.kr) 청년월세지원 란에 온라인신청 및  접수

접수기간 : 2023. 5. 3.(수) 10:00 ~ 5.16.(화) 18:00(마감)

선정인원 : 25,000명

선정방법 : 임자보증금/월세 및 소득기준 4개 구간으로 나누어 선정하고 인원 초과 시 구간별 전산 추첨

(1구간 : 11,250명, 2구간 : 7,500명, 3구간 : 3,750명, 4구간 : 2,500명)

지급방법 : 격월 계좌입금



3. 신청자격

다음 조건을 모두 만족하는 사람입니다.

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Korea is renowned for its exquisite cherry blossoms, and there are numerous locations to witness them in all their glory in the month of April. Below are some of the popular Korean destinations to enjoy the cherry blossoms.

Yeouido Spring Flower Festival: This festival is held in Yeouido Park in Seoul and is one of the most sought-after cherry blossom events in Korea. The park is adorned with gorgeous cherry blossom trees, and there are several cultural and food events to relish.

Jinhae Gunhangje Festival: Located in the southern part of Korea, the Jinhae Gunhangje Festival is a grand cherry blossom festival celebrated in the city of Jinhae. The festival is well-known for the beautiful cherry blossom trees that line the city's streets.

Gyeongju Cherry Blossom Marathon: A unique event that combines a marathon with a cherry blossom viewing experience, the Gyeongju Cherry Blossom Marathon takes the runners through the picturesque cherry blossom-lined streets of Gyeongju.

Jeju Cherry Blossom Festival: Jeju Island is famed for its stunning natural beauty, and during the cherry blossom season, the island is bedecked with beautiful cherry blossom trees. The Jeju Cherry Blossom Festival is celebrated in multiple locations around the island.

Seokchon Lake Cherry Blossom Festival: Situated in the heart of Seoul, Seokchon Lake is a breathtaking lake surrounded by magnificent cherry blossom trees during the cherry blossom season. The festival features cultural events and food booths to relish.

[ When do cherry blossoms usually bloom in Korea? ]

In Korea, cherry blossoms typically flower from late March to mid-April, but the exact period of blooming can vary depending on the area and the weather in a given year. The blooming time may also vary depending on the type of cherry blossom tree, as there are many different varieties that bloom at slightly different times. In the southern parts of Korea, such as Jeju Island and Busan, cherry blossoms usually bloom earlier than in other regions. In these areas, the blooming period generally starts around the end of March, and the peak blooming time is usually during the first week of April. In central regions like Daejeon and Seoul, cherry blossoms usually start to bloom in early April, and the peak time is typically around mid-April. In mountainous regions such as Gyeongju, cherry blossoms may bloom a little later, with the peak period usually occurring around the third week of April. It's worth noting that the blooming period can differ slightly depending on the weather in a particular year, so it's always a good idea to check the local forecasts or official cherry blossom festival schedules to determine the best time to visit.

[ other flowers that bloom in Korea during April ]

Azaleas: Azaleas are among the most well-liked flowers of spring in Korea, and they usually blossom in the period from late April to early May. Some of the finest locations to witness azaleas are Goryeosan Mountain in Ganghwa, Jeju Island, and Gwangyang Maehwa Village.

Forsythia: Forsythia is a vibrant yellow flower that usually blooms in early April, preceding the cherry blossoms. Some of the best locations to see forsythia are Seoul Forest and Namsan Park in Seoul.

Magnolias: Magnolias are another much-loved spring flower in Korea, and they usually blossom in the period from late March to early April. Some of the finest locations to witness magnolias are Yeouido Park in Seoul and Seokchon Lake in Jamsil.

Tulips: Tulips are a stunning flower that usually blooms in the period from late April to early May. Some of the finest locations to see tulips are Everland in Yongin and the Taean Tulip Festival.


Gangnam is a region situated in the southern part of the Han River in Seoul, South Korea. The name "Gangnam" in Korean means "south of the river." It has a population of more than 500,000 people, making it one of the most densely populated regions in Seoul. The history of Gangnam dates back to the 11th century when it was named Sillim-dong. During the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), it was mainly used for farming and grazing. It began to develop and urbanize as a residential area in the early 20th century. In the 1960s, Gangnam experienced speedy growth with the construction of new residential and office buildings, as well as transportation infrastructure. During the 1970s and 1980s, Gangnam emerged as a technology industry hub, with the establishment of numerous technology companies and research institutions. Recently, Gangnam has become famous for its wealthy residents and upscale shopping and entertainment. The district is home to numerous luxury boutiques, department stores, and restaurants, as well as some of the most expensive real estate in Korea. It is also renowned for its vibrant nightlife, with many bars and clubs catering to young, affluent professionals. Gangnam's fame skyrocketed with the release of the song "Gangnam Style" by Korean musician Psy in 2012. The music video, which showcased scenes of Gangnam, became viral and is one of the most-watched videos on YouTube. Today, Gangnam remains a lively district in Seoul, attracting both locals and tourists with its shopping, entertainment, and nightlife.

[ famous foods in Gangnam ]

Below are some famous destinations in Gangnam that locals frequently visit.

COEX Mall: Considered as one of the biggest shopping malls in Korea, COEX Mall houses various shops, dining establishments, and leisure options.

Garosu-gil: Garosu-gil is a fashionable street in Gangnam that is famous for its trendy boutiques, coffee shops, and art galleries.

Bongeunsa Temple: Nestled in the heart of Gangnam, Bongeunsa Temple is a Buddhist temple where visitors can find serenity amidst the bustling city and explore traditional Korean culture.

Apgujeong Rodeo Street: Apgujeong Rodeo Street is an upscale shopping district in Gangnam, featuring premium fashion brands, restaurants, and cafes.

Seoul Arts Center: Seoul Arts Center is a cultural hub that showcases a wide range of performances, exhibitions, and events. It is a perfect spot to immerse oneself in the beauty of Korean art and culture.





Pusan, which is also referred to as Busan, is a harbor metropolis situated in the southeastern region of South Korea. It boasts a lengthy and prosperous past that goes back to the Silla Dynasty, which governed the Korean Peninsula from the seventh to the ninth century. During the Silla Dynasty, Pusan was recognized as Geochilsan-do, which translates to "island of mountains". It was a crucial trading center and naval station because of its strategic placement along the shoreline. In the Joseon Dynasty, which governed Korea from the end of the 14th century to the end of the 19th century, Pusan continued to play a significant role in commerce and defense. The city was fortified with barricades and gates and served as the headquarters of the navy. During the Korean War in the 1950s, Pusan was the site of severe fighting between North and South Korean troops. The city was gravely damaged, but it was reconstructed in the ensuing years and has since emerged as one of the most dynamic and lively cities in South Korea. Today, Pusan is recognized for its breathtaking beaches, busy fish markets, and stunning mountainous landscapes. It is a well-liked tourist destination for people from all over the world who come to bask in the city's affluent culture, delectable cuisine, and lively nightlife. With its opulent history and modern conveniences, Pusan is an absolutely unique and captivating destination that has something to offer to everyone.

[ famous foods in Busan]

Busan is renowned for its delectable seafood, so here are some celebrated dishes in Busan that you should taste.

Mul Naengmyeon: Mul Naengmyeon is a noodle dish that is served in a cold broth made from beef or chicken. The noodles are made from wheat flour and potato starch, which gives them a unique and chewy texture. Mul Naengmyeon is a well-liked dish in Busan and can be found in many eateries and street vendors.

Ssiat Hotteok: Ssiat Hotteok is a sweet Korean pancake stuffed with a mix of seeds, nuts, honey, and brown sugar. In Busan, it is frequently made with pumpkin seeds, providing it a distinct flavor and texture. Ssiat Hotteok is a famous street food in Busan and can be found in many markets and food stalls.

Hoe: Hoe is a raw fish dish that is akin to sashimi in Japanese cuisine. It is made from fresh fish that has been sliced thinly and served with soy sauce and wasabi. Busan is recognized for its high-quality seafood, so Hoe is a must-try dish when visiting the city.

Dongnae Pajeon: Dongnae Pajeon is a kind of Korean pancake that is prepared with green onions and seafood. It is a famous dish in Busan and is frequently served as an appetizer in restaurants.

Gukbap: Gukbap is a soup made with rice and beef or pork. It is a well-liked comfort food in Busan and can be found in many eateries and street vendors throughout the city.

These are just a few instances of the numerous mouth-watering foods that Busan has to offer. If you adore seafood, Busan is undoubtedly a place that you won't want to miss.

[ famous places in Busan that Koreans go to ]

Following are some renowned destinations in Busan that Koreans take pleasure in visiting

Haeundae Beach: Located in the eastern part of Busan, Haeundae Beach is one of the most famous beaches in Korea. It is celebrated for its immaculate white sand and crystal-clear blue waters, and is a well-liked spot for swimming, sunbathing, and aquatic activities.

Gukje Market: Existing for over 60 years, Gukje Market is an old-fashioned Korean market. It is one of the biggest markets in Busan that offers a diverse range of commodities, from fresh seafood to traditional Korean handcrafted items.

Busan Tower: Standing tall at 120 meters, Busan Tower is situated in Yongdusan Park. It provides a sweeping view of the city and is a trendy spot for both tourists and locals.

Gamcheon Culture Village: Gamcheon Culture Village is a vibrant hillside village that has been transformed into an open-air art museum. It showcases numerous colorful murals and sculptures and is an excellent place to take pictures and explore.

Jagalchi Market: Jagalchi Market is the most extensive seafood market in Korea and is a must-visit destination for seafood enthusiasts. It provides a broad range of fresh seafood, including fish, crabs, squid, and octopus.

Taejongdae Resort Park: Taejongdae Resort Park is a picturesque park located on the southernmost tip of Yeongdo-gu in Busan. It offers stunning views of the sea and rocky cliffs and is a popular destination for hiking and sightseeing.

These are just a few of the numerous renowned places in Busan that Koreans adore visiting. Whether you're interested in beaches, markets, or scenic parks, Busan has something to offer for everyone.




Ulsan, situated in the southeast of Korea, close to the coast of the East Sea, is a significant metropolis. It is the seventh-largest city in South Korea and is recognized for its industrialization and breathtaking scenery. Ulsan has a rich historical background as it was once the capital of the ancient Silla Kingdom, which governed Korea from 57 BC to 935 AD. During that time, Ulsan was a vital hub for trade and culture, and numerous relics from that period still exist in the city. In the present era, Ulsan has become a major industrial center, housing several enormous corporations such as Hyundai Heavy Industries and the world's largest shipyard, which is run by Hyundai Mipo Dockyard. The city has also established a strong education and research sector, with many universities and research institutions located in the area. Despite its industrialization, Ulsan is renowned for its magnificent natural landscapes, including the picturesque Taehwagang River and several nearby mountains, such as Gajisan and Sinbulsan. In recent years, the city has been focusing on eco-tourism and sustainable development, with a commitment to preserving its natural resources and promoting environmental awareness. In summary, Ulsan is a captivating city that offers a unique blend of modern industry and ancient history, coupled with breathtaking natural beauty. Whether you're interested in exploring its cultural heritage, visiting its bustling industrial sites, or immersing yourself in its natural wonders, Ulsan has something to offer everyone.

[ famous foods in Ulsan]

Ulsan is situated on the southeastern edge of Korea, so it is famous for its delectable seafood cuisine. Here are some renowned dishes that you can savor when you visit Ulsan.

Ganjang Gejang (Soy Sauce Marinated Crab): This dish is prepared by marinating fresh uncooked crabs in soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and other spices. It is a popular dish among Koreans and is regarded as a delicacy.

Gwamegi (Dried Herring): Gwamegi is a dried fish that is well-known in Ulsan. It is produced by salting the fish and drying it in the sun for several days. The fish is then sliced thinly and served with piquant seasonings.

Eoriguljeot (Fermented Shrimp): Eoriguljeot is a customary Korean condiment made by fermenting small shrimp in salt. It is frequently used as a flavoring for soups, stews, and rice dishes.

Mugeunji Gukbap (Rice Soup with Fermented Skate): This dish is a favorite Ulsan specialty. It is cooked by simmering rice in a broth made from fermented skate, a type of fish that is known for its potent flavor.

Janchi Guksu (Feast Noodle Soup): Janchi Guksu is a customary Korean noodle soup that is often served at special events, such as weddings and birthdays. It is made with slender wheat noodles, sliced vegetables, and a light broth.

These are only a few instances of the numerous mouth-watering foods that you can try in Ulsan. If you're a seafood enthusiast, you're certain to find an abundance of fresh and appetizing dishes to relish in this coastal city.

[ famous places in Ulsan that Koreans go to ]

Here are some renowned spots in Daejeon that Koreans frequently visit.

Expo Science Park: Expo Science Park is a science-themed amusement park that was erected for the Daejeon Expo in 1993. It boasts diverse displays and interactive activities associated with science and technology, making it a well-liked site for families with kids.

Daejeon Museum of Art: The Daejeon Museum of Art is a contemporary art gallery that showcases various exhibitions of Korean and global artists. It also houses a sculpture garden and a library, making it an ideal location to explore for art aficionados.

Yuseong Hot Springs: Yuseong Hot Springs is an all-natural hot springs resort situated in the Yuseong district of Daejeon. It is recognized for its top-quality mineral waters and is a trendy spot for unwinding and rejuvenation.

Daecheongho Lake: Daecheongho Lake is a synthetic lake located in the north of Daejeon. It provides diverse leisure activities such as boating, fishing, and hiking, and is a favored destination for individuals who love the outdoors.

Dunsan Prehistoric Site: The Dunsan Prehistoric Site is an archaeological site that dates back to the Bronze Age. It showcases various artifacts and exhibits associated with the prehistoric era and is an excellent spot for individuals who are interested in history.

These are only a few examples of the numerous attractions that Daejeon has to present. Whether you're intrigued by science, art, nature, or history, there is something for everyone in this lively city.


Daejeon, situated in the heart of South Korea, is the fifth-largest metropolis in the nation, with a populace exceeding 1.5 million. The city has a lengthy and fascinating past that traces its roots back to the early Joseon Dynasty. Daejeon was a small hamlet named Hanbat-ju throughout the Joseon Dynasty, and it was renowned for its strategic location on the Geum River. During the early 20th century Japanese occupation of Korea, the village grew in importance as a significant transportation hub for the region. After the Korean War, Daejeon evolved into a critical center for science and technology. The government founded various research institutions and universities in the city, such as the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), which is among the world's leading engineering schools. Currently, Daejeon is a bustling city with a thriving economy and a rich cultural heritage. It is famous for its magnificent parks and gardens, as well as its state-of-the-art science and technology industries. The city has hosted numerous international events, including the 1993 World Expo, and it remains a vital hub for research and innovation in South Korea.

[ famous foods in Daejeon]

Daejeon is renowned for its delectable and special cuisine. Listed below are some well-known dishes that you should sample when you travel to Daejeon.

Galbi-jjim (stewed beef short ribs): This is a Korean dish that is trendy and prepared by stewing beef short ribs with different vegetables and spices until they become soft and succulent.

Daejeon-style fried chicken: This is a famous fried chicken dish that is recognized for its crunchy texture and delicious flavor. The chicken is usually soaked in a zesty sauce before being fried.

Kong-guksu (chilled soybean noodle soup): This is a revitalizing and nutritious meal that is perfect for hot summer days. It is created by mixing soaked soybeans with water to make a velvety soup, which is then served with cold noodles and various toppings.

Daejeon-style bibimbap: Bibimbap is a classic Korean rice bowl meal that comes with a variety of toppings. In Daejeon, the bibimbap is frequently made with rice, beef, vegetables, and a spicy gochujang sauce.

Kalguksu (Korean-style noodle soup): Kalguksu is a Korean noodle soup that is made with handmade wheat flour noodles and various vegetables and meat. It is a comforting and filling meal that is ideal for chilly days.

These are only a few instances of the mouth-watering dishes that you can taste in Daejeon. The city is famous for its diverse and flavorful cuisine, so make sure to explore and discover new dishes when you visit.

[ famous places in Daejeon that Koreans go to ]

Daejeon is a lively metropolis with numerous places of interest that are well-liked by Koreans. Here are a few of the renowned destinations in Daejeon that are frequented by locals.

Expo Science Park: This park was constructed for the 1993 World Expo and is now a favored spot for science aficionados and families. It showcases various displays, a science museum, and a vantage point that offers panoramic views of the city.

Yuseong Hot Springs: Yuseong is a locality in Daejeon that is recognized for its hot springs. The springs are reputed to possess therapeutic properties and are a common retreat for people seeking relaxation and rejuvenation.

Daejeon Museum of Art: This museum presents an exhibition of contemporary and modern artwork, as well as traditional Korean art. It hosts a variety of events throughout the year and is a popular destination for art enthusiasts.

Hanbat Arboretum: This botanical garden is situated in the heart of Daejeon and features a diverse range of trees, flowers, and plants from across the globe. It is a serene and tranquil place to visit, particularly during the spring and autumn seasons.

Daejeon O-World: This amusement park boasts a range of attractions, including rides, a zoo, and a botanical garden. It is a favored spot for families and thrill-seekers. T

hese are just a few examples of the many allures that Daejeon has to offer. The city is also renowned for its lively nightlife, shopping, and culinary scenes, so make sure to venture out and explore fresh experiences when you visit!


Daegu, situated in the southeastern part of South Korea, is the fourth-largest city in the country with a populace of more than 2.5 million individuals. The city has a cultural and historical legacy that goes back over 2,000 years. Daegu was initially established as a small hamlet in the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) and was given the name "Daegu" (signifying "big hill") due to its location at the base of a large mountain. The city expanded and thrived during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) and became a significant hub for trade and commerce. During the period of Japanese occupation of Korea (1910-1945), Daegu underwent great suffering as the Japanese colonial government exploited the city's resources and suppressed Korean culture and identity. However, after Korea's independence from Japanese rule in 1945, Daegu quickly recovered and became a modern industrial city, with a strong emphasis on textiles, machinery, and electronics. Presently, Daegu is recognized as a vibrant and lively city with a flourishing economy, rich culture, and a profound passion for sports. It is home to several prestigious universities, including Keimyung University and Kyungpook National University, and is well-known for its yearly Daegu International Marathon, which draws thousands of runners from across the globe. In terms of cultural heritage, Daegu is renowned for its traditional markets, such as Seomun Market and Dongseongro Street, which offer a wide variety of goods and foods. The city is also the site of numerous historic locations, including the Donghwasa Temple from the 14th century, which is one of the most significant Buddhist temples in Korea, and the Gyeongsang-gamyeong Park from the 17th century, which was formerly the regional capital during the Joseon Dynasty. Overall, Daegu is a city steeped in culture and history, with a rich legacy that continues to motivate and impact the individuals who reside there.

[ famous foods in Daegu]

Daegu is renowned for its delectable and distinctive cuisine, featuring numerous dishes that are celebrated throughout South Korea. Below are some of the most well-known foods in Daegu:

Spicy Chicken Casserole (Dak-dori-tang): Dak-dori-tang is a casserole made with chunks of chicken, potatoes, carrots, and onions in a spicy broth. The dish is frequently accompanied by rice and is a prevalent comfort food in Daegu.

Pork Belly Porridge (Dwaeji-gukbap): Dwaeji-gukbap is a hearty porridge made with pork belly and rice. The dish is often served with kimchi and other side dishes and is a staple of Daegu's cuisine.

Grilled Pork Skewers (Chwe-gan): Chwe-gan are grilled pork skewers that are marinated in a spicy sauce. The skewers are a popular street food in Daegu and are often served with a side of rice cakes.

Braised Cod (Daegu-jorim): Daegu-jorim is a braised cod dish that is simmered in a flavorful soy sauce and served with vegetables. The dish is a specialty of Daegu and is often served at traditional Korean restaurants.

Makchang (Pig Intestines): Makchang is a well-liked dish in Daegu made with pig intestines that are seasoned and grilled over an open flame. The dish is often served with a variety of side dishes and is a favorite among locals.

These are just a few examples of the celebrated foods in Daegu. The city is known for its hearty and flavorful cuisine, and there are many other dishes that are worth trying if you ever visit.

[ Daegu travel destination where many Koreans go ]

There are several travel spots in Daegu that are well-liked by Koreans. Here are some examples:

Apsan Park: Apsan Park is situated in the heart of Daegu and is a prevalent spot for trekking and open-air activities. The park presents breathtaking views of the city and has numerous hiking trails that are fitting for all levels of ability.

Seomun Market: Seomun Market is one of the biggest conventional markets in Korea and is celebrated for its extensive variety of commodities and foodstuffs. The market vends everything from fresh produce and seafood to garments and household articles.

E-World: E-World is a funfair located in the Dalseo-gu neighborhood of Daegu. The funfair highlights over 40 rides and attractions, comprising of roller coasters, a water park, and a zoo.

Daegu Yangnyeongsi Museum of Oriental Medicine: This museum is committed to the antiquity and usage of traditional Korean medicine. Tourists can discover the diverse herbs and treatments exploited in Korean medicine and even experiment with some of them.

Donghwasa Temple: Donghwasa Temple is a 1,500-year-old Buddhist temple situated on the inclines of Palgongsan Mountain. The temple is renowned for its colossal Buddha statue and its magnificent natural milieu.

These are simply a few of the favored travel destinations in Daegu that are treasured by natives. Each one provides a distinct experience and insight into the culture and chronicles of the city.


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